
Live Generously

God has blessed our lives in so many ways, and it is a joy that we are able to share those gifts with others.  Zion is proud that much of our giving goes to support the work of Christ beyond our walls.  Below is a partial list of some of the ways your giving helped to make a difference in our community and around the world.

A portion of every gift to Zion goes to support the work of the broader church.  With our brothers and sisters in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we are opening doors to new communities of faith, helping people break the cycle of hunger and poverty, identifying and preparing future leaders, responding to disasters and emergencies, and so much more.

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Your Giving Makes a Difference

Zion supports the work of many agencies that minister to the needs of others. Your giving becomes a blessing!

Areas to Give

At Zion we offer numerous areas where you can share a financial gift.

General Fund Giving

Members can contribute to the general fund of Zion. These gifts will be used to support the ministries of the church as well as the ongoing functioning of the church.  Giving can be done through an annual pledge or through weekly offerings.

Endowment Fund Giving

Zion has an endowment that is designed to support the long term needs of the congregation. Gifts to the endowment can be made at any time or can be made as part of estate planning.

Directed Giving

Members are able to give specifically in any way that moves them.  Donations to specific ministries, capital projects, altar flowers or any other activity, ministry or need of the church can be made through directed giving.

Ways to Give

We offer different ways to give to the ministry of Zion Lutheran Church. For more information about any of these opportunities, please contact Financial Secretary John Rustwick at

Weekly Envelope and Plate Giving

While pledging is certainly encouraged, it is by no means required. Some members are more comfortable providing a weekly gift without making a formal annual pledge, using the envelopes we provide every member.

Annual Pledge

Members are always encouraged to pledge their giving to the church each fall. That pledge amount may be weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

Simply Giving

Some members enjoy the convenience of electronic giving. You can set up one-time or recurring donations to the general fund, or a number of designated funds. Get started with Simply Giving right now.

Gift of Stock or Other Assets

For tax purposes or other reasons it is sometimes preferable for members to contribute stock, other securities, real estate or other assets.

Planned Gifts

There are a variety of methods for giving as a part of estate planning. These include bequests, life insurance, qualified estate plans, life income agreements, charitable gift annuities or charitable remainder trusts.