Sunday School Rally Day

Attention Zion families!  As you may know, on Sunday, September 8th, congregations across the ELCA will be participating in God’s Work Our Hands.  GWOH is an annual day of service and an opportunity for us to embody our commitment to love and serve our neighbors.

This year, our Sunday School students and families are invited to kick off the new program year by gathering at the CEB at 9:45am for Sunday School Rally Day and a creation-themed  hour of learning in action. Students will have an opportunity to connect with their classmates and teachers, establishing the connections that will support them as they grow in faith throughout the year ahead, all while participating in God’s work of creation care.

The Sunday School registration form can be found HERE.  Please fill it out and bring it with you on September 8th!

Hope to see you there!



Sep 08 2024


9:45 am
Christian Education Building (CEB)


Christian Education Building (CEB)